Synthomer 6330
SYNTHOMER 6330 is an aqueous, colloidal dispersion of carboxylated butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymer with a medium acrylonitrile level. The dispersion contains an emulsifier system and is stabilized with an antioxidant.
Applications: NBR glove dipping
Application Advice
SYNTHOMER 6330 is a reduced odour product, recommended for producing thin film barrier of low thickness with good tensile strength and excellent elongation at break. The product is characterized by faster film gelation for better adaptability to producing articles of low thickness with good film formation using a typical coagulant dipping process. Our technical service team would be please to provide you with a typical formulation as a guide and assist if needed.
SYNTHOMER 6330 is easy to compound with no specific requirements during compounding as the material provides good stabilization. It is easily adaptable to most manufacturing, providing high yield.
Shipping and Storage
SYNTHOMER 6330 is supplied in road tankers or in non-returnable plastics drums secured by a lid with clamping ring or in nonreturnable palletized bulk containers. Store at an even temperature of between + 5°C and + 35°C, avoiding frost and direct sunlight. Care
must be taken that drums and storage containers are closed tightly. During processing, storage and transport of the product, contact with
metals, unprotected against corrosion (likewise non ferrous metals), has to be avoided. If stored according to these conditions, in
appropriate containers or in bulk condition with proper hygiene management, Synthomer is able to confirm that the latex is stable for 6
months from production date.
Product Safety
Please refer to the Material Data Safety Data Sheet for safety and environmental information. SYNTHOMER 6330 is not classified as
dangerous according to CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.
Where can I buy Synthomer 6330 in Europe ?
Contact us for Synthomer 6330 availability and prices